Contact us for affordable marketing advice and services - from islanders, for islanders.
Branding and Logo Design
It’s not just a look - it’s a feel. It speaks to character, purpose, and value. It tells your customers that you see them. It tells the world what floats your boat. It’s your logo, and it’s at the heart of a branding strategy that we can create for your business.
Social Media Marketing
Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube, TikTok...depending on your audience and goals, social channels can serve your business in numerous ways. Increase repeat purchases, attract new customers, build a following, or create a community - the world is your oyster!
Email Marketing
Many businesses see what their customers and subscribers see - another email, another ripple in the ocean, another fish in the sea. We see a strategic, direct communications program that creates and tracks awareness, interest, and transactions. We’ll teach you how to email, and you’ll manage your own, effective email marketing program forever.
Website Design and Development
A quarter century later, websites remain unsinkable - the flagship marketing channel for businesses worldwide. Using easy-to-use subscription-based tools, we can plan, design and build you a fully-functional, mobile-friendly website that requires zero technical knowledge to maintain and manage.
Marketing Strategy and Business Advisory Services
In your business, you may find yourself casting about for effective marketing ideas, or wanting to change course and set sail to new and distant horizons. Don’t do it alone - Rising Tide’s team of strategists can help you define your goals, identify your strengths, plan your resources, and execute. Anchor’s away!
Ecommerce Planning and Development
Selling online can lead to a sea change for your business - low overhead, high capacity, and a world of customers at your virtual doorstep. Managing it all, however, is a different story. Don’t get swamped by your ecommerce program - we can help you plan, roll-out and maintain an effective online sales channel.
Sales funnel and lead generation campaigns
Keeping a steady flow of new customer leads is more than just good practice - without a solid inbound sales strategy, many businesses are left high and dry. We can help you build a marketing program that are oriented around repeatable, scalable lead-to-customer sales processes and campaigns.
Search Engine Optimization and Google Ads
These days, the world isn’t just at our fingertips - it’s on page 1 of a web search. (It’s often even above the scroll.) A lot goes on beneath the surface to master online search and Google Ads, and plumbing the depths - deep, dark, and mysterious as it can be - is exactly what we do. Let us wade into those waters and help you get online search results, from views to clicks to purchases.